Save Your Infected Tooth with Root Canal Therapy

There are several ways you can lose your teeth. Injury and decay can compromise the health of your tooth, especially when infection seeps into the tooth internals. When your tooth’s pulp chamber is infected, removing the entire tooth is the sure way to stop the infection. However, at Nirvana Dental, we won’t let that happen. We use root canal therapy to save a tooth that would otherwise be lost.
The Anatomy of Your Tooth
To fully understand the root canal treatment, you need to grasp the basics of your tooth anatomy. The visible, white portion of the tooth is the enamel, and beneath is the dentin. At the center of the tooth lies the pulp chamber, containing nerves, blood vessels, and other tissues to support the development of the tooth. While your tooth is still developing, the pulp chamber is integral to its growth. However, once your tooth is fully developed, it can survive without the pulp.
A chip, crack, or cavity may allow bacteria to infect your tooth. Once an infection gets into the pulp chamber, you need root canal therapy. Since your body can’t clear up the infection, the pulp needs removal; otherwise, failing to treat the infected tooth will lead to severe pain and tooth abscess that may warrant tooth removal.
How a Root Canal Can Save Your Tooth
The process of saving your tooth using root canal therapy is pretty fast and painless—in contrast to popular misconceptions. Before the treatment, Dr. Yijia Li administers a precise amount of anesthesia to minimize discomfort during treatment. Next, we access the pulp chamber through an opening at the top of your tooth. Then, we flush out the diseased tissues and clean and disinfect the area to eliminate harmful bacteria.
Next, the dentist seals the root canals and the chamber with gutta-percha. The final step is to place a temporary filling while waiting for your permanent crown. Before you leave, our dental team will give you tips on managing pain after root canal treatment.
Save Your Tooth with Root Canal Therapy
Are you experiencing an excruciating toothache? Is your tooth sensitive when provoked? The culprit could be a tooth infection. To save your tooth, call (978) 704-8788 to book an appointment with Nirvana Dental of Lowell, Massachusetts, for a root canal.